Eshkol AG Innovation develops “green” eco-friendly alternative plant
based protein, essential secondary metabolites, and fatty acids from duckweed
flora, for the global human food industry. The company runs its proprietary methods to select and develop the ones who show promising potential.
Eshkol Innovation in Agriculture is part of the EU blue circular bioeconomy consortium “IMPRESS” – to provide tangible solutions for the development of marine and freshwater bio-based economies in Europe that take full advantage of the underutilized marine and freshwater low trophic species (LTS).
The global food industry is under sever changes due to dramatic demand for healthier, plant-based, eco-friendly food products with less harmful ecological production methods. Duckweeds, the smallest flowering plant that adapted to aquatic environment has a great potential as an alternative source of proteins and other metabolites due to its high growth rate when grown under optimal conditions. Duckweed family contain hundreds of varieties with enormous number of different molecules include essential amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants, antibacterial, and other important metabolites like Zinc, Mangan, Ferron, and others. Duckweed market size expected to grow from ~38 M$ US in 2019 to 78 M$ US in 2025 (CAGR of 12.7%). Quantity wise the market expected to grow from ~3300 MT in 2019 to ~10750 MT in 2025 (CAGR of 16.5%).
The company founded in late 2018 and started to operate in 2019. The company established production method to one duckweed variety (out of 18 screened) and today we produce 800 kg / month / year in 500 Sq.M facility with no contamination so far. The company is about to start marketing our fresh superfood product under the name Genus.
Lately we have fractionized and isolated separately in our lab few phytosterols, few carotenoids, Serin, Omega 3, Omega 6, Vitamin E, Vitamin A and some more secondary metabolites.
The company is actual participating in EU consortium IMPRESS to bring novel products from our duckweed to the food industry in EU, with a budget of 658 K€ for that.
The company aim to license its propriety innovative products to leading producers in the global food industry. Currently the company offers already one variety in fresh or frozen form with high level of the above-mentioned protein, essential fatty acids and other important secondary metabolites to the additive food sector as super food for everyone and necessarily to high elite consumers.
4 farmers with vast education and global experience in biotechnology industry founded the company to boost the return of young educated next generation to Eshkol region. The founders aim to establish in the region biotech eco-system.